Wednesday, July 29

David Cage, CEO and Founder of Quantic Dream to Keynote GDC Europe

Quantic Dream the developers behind the Highly anticipated PS3 exclusive Heavy Rain, has proven themselves to be a venerable studio, so it was no surprise when they picked the veteran game developer, CEO and Founder of Quantic Dream David Cage to Keynote at GDC Europe. The company has under its belt titles such as Indigo Prophecy, Omikron: The Nomad Soul and is currently working on Heavy Rain.

Many will be interested in what Mr. Cage has to say, and if his speech title is a guide, the audience should remain attentive. “Writing interactive narrative for a mature audience,” is the title so be prepared to hear mature ramblings? I think the team over Quantic Dream are just too much in love with conspiracy theories, illuminati, Masons, Skulls, yeah, you know the tales…

07/29/09 Ernice Gilbert

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