Publishers, Developers and Console makers don't usually get along too well on different levels, but there's one song they sing in unison, and it's the belief that games sell consoles. Doesn't matter how good it looks, whether there's wifi built in or blu-ray capability, if there are no games, then you won't sell consoles.
With this truth in hand, GamesThirst went on a search to determine which company will sell more units from now through March 2010 based solely on their exclusive lineup. We first searched for the games Sony has up its arsenal, here are the titles we found.
1) Final Fantasy XIII ~ Available exclusively for the PS3 in Japan, analysts have projected the game will sell more than one million copies in week one, and about 200,000 PS3s.
2) God of War III ~ On the market March of next year, this one is not only a must buy for any PS3 owner, it'll single handedly help Sony move hundreds of thousands of PS3s worldwide.
3) Demon's Souls ~ Came on the scene stealthily, now it's making waves across the boards, receiving rave reviews from top gaming websites, and selling out in stores across America. It's available now.
4) Uncharted 2: Among Thieves ~ Is the single biggest game to land on Sony's black behemoth in years. It's on track to be the highest scoring PS3 exclusive on Metacritic, has received favorable reviews across the board, and is a definite nominee for GOTY 2009. Heck, nominee for best game of all time.
5) God of War Collection Pack ~ Containing the first two games in the series, God of War and God of War II. Gamers have been yelling at Sony for years, pleading with the software Giant release a value pack on blu-ray disc, and they did. A must buy for any fan of the franchise.
6) Rachet and Clank Future: A Crack in Time ~ Set to release on October 27th, 2009, the game will surely sell well, with friends of the dynamic team salivating at the next opportunity to venture through another unique universe, crafted by the geniuses at Insomniac Games.
7) Massive Action Game ~ AKA MAG, will summon you to battle in the month of January 2010. It'll be the only game to pit 256 warmongers simultaneously at each other, in what is expected to be the most interactive war game experience ever forged.
8) Gran Turismo 5 ~ There's a lot of Forza talk going around now, and rightly so, the game is indeed great. But when March 2010 comes around, it'll be the veteran's turn to shine. The Franchise has been around since the original Playstation, and went on to sell over 52 million copies and has grossed over 1 billion dollars in sales. Polyphony Digital's boss Yamauchi has gone on record saying GT5 will look better than real life. You read this correctly, better than real life.
9) Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2 ~ There have been many debates on whether this game is just a port or a true PS3 exclusive, My opinion lies somewhere in the middle, because there are many new features and even some playable characters not found in the Xbox 360's version, however, it's basically the same. Yet, there's no reason not to pick up the action packed title, especially if you're fan of the Onimusha games. It's available now.
10) Last but surely not least is the Japanese game Yakuza 4. It's not yet available and is still void of a release date, but many believe it will see the light of day on the market before or by March 2010. The game's awesome to the Japanese, but the first 2 titles sold poorly in the U.S., leaving little hope to see part 4 land here. However, you could always import if you need to play the thing that bad.
And there you have it! Our top 10 exclusive games that's fighting to give PS3 the edge this Christmas. Next, we'll take a look at what the Xbox 360 offers.
[Update] How could we forget Heavy Rain? Quantic Dream's efforts have stirred some serious discussion in the gaming community on whether games should go this route, to which David Cage responds, "why not?" The title is definitely a must have PS3 exclusive, and should be available sometime early next year. Now that's $60 extra from your wallet, but you don't mind do you?
10/16/09 Ernice Gilbert
Need a trophy guide for Uncharted 2? Get it here.
Excellent list guys! I'm loooking forward to God of War III the most.
ReplyDeletegood list, but FFXIII is coming out on xbox, just fyi
ReplyDeletehow can heavy rain not get on there?
ReplyDeleteFFXIII exclusive on JAPAN
ReplyDeleteEven if FFXIII is exclusive only in Japan, it's still an exclusive. Xbox 360 owners who live in the land of the rising sun won't be able to play it.
ReplyDeleteExcellent post, however, I don't think I'll have the money all these awesome games!
ReplyDeleteLast Guardian???
ReplyDeleteYes, Last Guardian, one of the best, at least top 5.
ReplyDeleteYou know, some people are just sick. If you search through this website, you'll see news and articles that compliment both the PS3 and Xbox 360, and some that are critical to said systems.
ReplyDeleteTwo days ago, we wrote an article on the Xbox 360's lead in the U.S and how, because of it the XBox 360 has sold double the amount of software pieces in the U.S compared to the PS3.
Folks came here using all sorts of degrading language at each other, then they said this is a fanboy site and how we don't like the PS3. This could not be further from the truth.
Today, we just deleted one comment because this guy started raging about fanboy this and fanboy that, just because the article lists FFXIII as a PS3 exclusive in Japan. Thing is, it is exclusive in Japan, and will be released on December 17th. He then went on to call us some names I won't post on here, claiming we have a "Sony," agenda, utter nonsense.
It's just sickening how some kids act, but then again, they're just kids. A man in his right mind would not go on with such drivel.
Anyway, move on guys, this console "war" crap is just ridiculous. Yes, we understand you love a particular console you defend it, but at this rate, it's just childish play... To all trolls, get a life.
Be a gamer, grow up.
look out for the bigger and better website coming soon:
www.gamesthirst.com ~ check it out now.
FF13 is NOT exclusive, period. Fantards need to stop using timed exclusivity in 1 country as justification.
ReplyDeleteAnd neither is Ninja Gaiden.
Who's the moron that can't understand Final Fantasy XIII is EXCLUSIVE in Japan? LOL - looks like someone doesn't follow the games industry very closely at all. FF XIII is NOT timed exclusive - it will NEVER appear on the 360 in Japan - get over it, idiot.
ReplyDeleteA little tip though - Gran Turismo 5 isn't scheduled to launch until April 2010. Also, you forgot the western release of White Knight Chronicles - also out April.
Sony's biggest franchise is at #8? Huh? IGT5 definitely needs to be listed higher.
ReplyDeleteyou also forgot white knight chronicles
ReplyDeleteThere was no particular oder to the list, and yes White Knight Chronicles could've been there, however it's a Top 10 list.
ReplyDeleteMaybe next time we'll list the top 20 games?
ReplyDeleteto the guy that reminded us that FFXIII is not exclusive:
ReplyDeleteyou know what else is not exclusive: left 4 dead 2, splinter cell, mass effect 2 and alan wake
all available on PC which most of PS3 owners already have, try playing uncharted 2 without a PS3 and then you'll know what exclusive means
haha burned...
ReplyDeletehahahaaha boom roasted.
ReplyDeleteNot to burst your bubble, but Splinter Cell Conviction (I assume that's what you mean by splinter cell) is a 360 exclusive, and neither Left 4 Dead 2 nor Mass Effect 2 have been confirmed on the PS3, so for now they too can be considered 360 exclusives. Being available on the PC is irrelevent to the current conversation-by exclusive, we mean console exclusive. And Final Fantasy 13 will be released in North America on the 360, so it is not exlusive to the ps3. However, back to the list, most of those other games are completely amazing. Uncharted 2 is one of the best games I have ever played, and I can't wait for R&C:ACIT. The others are all set to be great games. I don't understand the hate between "fanboys" on both sides-both the consoles have awesome exclusive games!
ReplyDeletePS-I own a ps3.
With these, and the slew of existing fantastic PS3 exlcusives, and real gamer (rather than a fanbot) needs to own a PS3.
ReplyDeleteMost of the games mentioned by the other poster are console exclusive. You will not be able to play splinter cell, left for dead 2, forza 3, etc etc on your ps3. Quit acting like a large number of ps3 owners own a gaming pc because guess what, they don't.
ReplyDeleteThey can be played on a gaming pc? Awesome. Too bad you still can't play them lol. Oh and I will be enjoying Final Fantasy XIII on my 360.
so I guess then that there's no difference between a real exclusive like fable 2 or mass effect 2 then
ReplyDeleteif a game comes out only on Wii and 360, would you say that it's an HD exclusive for the 360? or a white console exclusive?
exclusive means that you can't play it anywhere else, uncharted 2 and gears of war 2 are exclusive, left 4 dead is NOT, especially when the non 360 version is much superior, neither are Mass Effect 2, Alan Wake and Splinter Cell
left 4 dead 2 still runs on the 5 year old source engine so most PS3 owners should be able to play it
It's really pathetic to put something other than "god of war collection pack." Please try to atleast PRETEND not to have MASSIVE bias.
ReplyDelete*Pathetic to put something *LIKE* "god of war collection pack"
ReplyDeleteGreat list! I'm looking forward to God of War III the most, then in the meantime, I'll keep busy with the collection pack.
ReplyDeletePs3 is the best console, no doubt about it.
ReplyDeleteMass effect 2 could be an exclusive... Except that bioware has publicly stated that mass effect 2 will "PROBABLY" come to the ps3... an assumption is far worse than a non-global statement. FFXIII is coming out exclusively to the ps3 in japan soon. we wont see it in english for quite a while still. Japan will supposedly never see a 360 version. if you define exclusive in terms of the united states only, then no it isn't but globally it is an exclusive in some areas. And through march of 2010 the only system you will find it on is the PS3. I think that the author made it quite clear the time range of the exclusives on the list. Note that the ps3 will have sold millions of copies long before the 360 sells one. Not sure, but that sounds like a pretty sweet exclusivity deal to me. Honestly though, I think the definition of exclusivity as it pertains to this list is reserved for the person who wrote the article and should not be defined by commenters whose only purpose seems to be to nitpick whatever they can find to make themselves sound good. Generally people who do this, do so because they have a miserable life and its the one thing they can do to make them feel like they are better than some one.
ReplyDeleteSome of that list should be deleted in all honesty.
ReplyDeleteFinal Fantasy should be deleted off this list immediately! Regardless of whether its exclusive in Japan or not.
Everyone can clearly see its very bias, but either way Uncharted 2 is great. I downloaded the Multiplayer Demo and it was a great visual and playable experience.
GT5 should be good too, I tend to prefer more arcade style racers over sims, due to the fact I always crash lol !
MAG sounds likes its going to be all out war online 256 players?! I severly doubt my Mobile Broadband could handle that without major lag !
Ninja Gaiden should be deleted alongside the GOW collection disc. Ninja Gaiden is on 360 too even if the PS3 is a 'Deluxe' edition. GOW 1 & 2 are just purely a re-release and that goes to show whoever wrote the article was clutching at straws.
Rant over, thanks.
Wow David could you be a bigger dipshit?
ReplyDeleteFF13 exclusivity in 1 country DOES NOT make it an exclusive moron.
Keep on pretending Europe and America don't exist, you don't look like a retard at all...
Well, even though FFXIII is not exclusive here, it is well the superioir, and most definite version to get on the PS3, of the 2 console versions.
ReplyDeleteFF13 is an exclusive in Japan shame this articles target audience is EU and US markets lmao.
ReplyDeletethey left out modnation racers and the last guardian, two games that will be really good imo
ReplyDeleteI am fan of Action Game And i loved to play this kinfd of game form top 10 my favorite game is God of war 3 this game has nice flow and fantastic Action
ReplyDeletesplinter cell convicton is only on 360 because ps3 cant handle it nuff said
ReplyDeletedont get me wrong ps3 has some great games comin its way heavy rain,gt5,god of war3.but modern warfare2 will look better on 360 nuff said
ReplyDeleteWhat about ModNation Racers? That game looks wicked!
ReplyDeleteWhat about ff13 VERSUS. Gonna be one heck of a ps3 exclusive.
ReplyDeleteGreat read, cant wait for FF13
ReplyDeleteSony playstation3 is da powerhouse,with the blu ray,it should have more exclusive games!!!!
ReplyDeleteGod of War III is one the game in my list of 2010 MOST WANTED games. View all of it here
Had there not been God of War III being exclusive, I would have been fine with just a 360. But as a die hard fan of GoW, I decided to make a move and buy a PS3. Uncharted 2, Infamous, and Heavy Rain are bonuses as well. I just wish the console war would get stronger with exclusives so we can avoid regretting spending $600 on just the consoles.
ReplyDeleteSony sucks.