Tuesday, October 13

Naughty Dog: We did not expect the critical reception we're getting

There's a saying that deems humble people as the most successful. They don't brag about what they've accomplished, they don't go around badmouthing the competition, and they certainly don't imitate. The Naughty Dogs have demonstrated their humbleness, even as they bask in the praise of rave reviews for the critically acclaimed Uncharted 2: Among Thieves.

You'd think after creating such a genre defining experience that they'd have anticipated this was coming. Well according to Naughty Dog's Travis McIntosh, this sentiment could not be further from the truth. Speaking today in a live chat with the Official Playstation Blog, he said:

"We knew we had something special while working on the game, but did we expect the critical recognition we've been getting? No, when you're as close to a game as we are it's far easier to see the flaws than the full picture. It wasn't until near the end when the story and the cut scenes finally came together that we realized that the game was as good as it was?"

On an entirely different note, Neil Druckmann later added "We love that so many girls enjoy Uncharted..... it's part of our motivation in creating such strong, well-rounded female characters."

You can indulge here, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is now available. Can't make your mind up yet? Read our full review, no bias, but you'll be convinced.

10/13/09 Ernice Gilbert


  1. You guys deserve all the praise. I'll be looking forward in buying your next game. =D

  2. uncharted2 sucks big balls its not going to sell well like MW2 or l4d2 so suck it dog you suck as a game maker

  3. ^^^^



    Move along, unless you want to risk getting TROLLED.

  4. RROD fags are mad uncharted is getting big reviews praise. MW 2 is on ps3 too with free online and you don't have to worry about the console breaking. l4d is on pc as well and its boring with 2004 graphics engine.

  5. lol @ the troll trolling....

    In other news, Uncharted 2: Has ushered the industry to new heights in game creation.

    Good job Naughty Dogs, you all deserve all the Money, praise and recognition that comes along

  6. To the third Anonymous poster, take your trolling somewhere else.

    Obviously you're Xbox 360 fan, I am also, but I'm also a PS3 fan. Real gamers give respect when it's due, doesn't matter which console, developer, publisher etc.

    If a game is good, say it's good. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is hands down superb. Troll yourself out of this room if you can't act like a man.

  7. Uncharted 2 is awesome! The Naughty Dogs indeed deserve all the accolades

  8. Nah, not my type of game.

  9. Not only are they humble, but they also thanked Bungie. A PS3 exclusive developer thanking a 360 exclusive developer :P

    I can't wait for a PSN crash bandicoot game :D

  10. Can't wait for Uncharted 2 and I loved the first but you should edit the article, because it says that humble people, Naughty Dog, don't imitate. And they kinda do. Though they do perfect mechanics found else where they still borrow from Gears 2s horde mode and Gears' cover mechanics.

    P.S. I am not trolling. I do not own a 360 but have played some Gears. Uncharted is my favorite game of all time and don't mean to bad mouth anything but it does kinda copy other games.

  11. @ directly above me, you do make a valid point.

    However, you'd be hard-pressed to find one game that hasn't copied ideas from its predecessors.

    But still, you point is valid and a debate could spark from it. I am curious to here what others have to say about this.

  12. as Nas once said "No idea is original, theres nothing new under the sun... its not WHAT you do, but HOW its done"

  13. Sorry for the typo guys, I meant "your" point is valid]. ;)

  14. All the trolling in here must stop. This is THE best PS3 game out there. Anyone can disagree if they want to. I have both PS3 and X360 so I dont appreciate the "red ring" comment dissing the Xbox lol, although he did deserve it for hating on Uncharted and i dont appreciate the Uncharted 2 sucks comment. Game on and stop all the hating.

    Thanks to Naughty Dog for making Co Game of the Year (MW2 being other GOTY)

  15. uncharted2 sucks big balls its not going to sell well like MW2 or l4d2 so suck it dog you suck as a game maker

    360 dont have exclusives if its available for pc. MW is multiplatform and lfd2 is not as awesome as uncharted 2, I have seen little attention for lf2 in N4g. ARE YOU JELOUS 360 FANBOY?

  16. take note turn 10, take note.
    you dont have to run your mouth off like a spoilt 6 year old brat to market your game, in fact doing so hurts your sales.
    uncharted 2 is the highest rated exclusive ever, but i dont see ND running arround in their nickers rubbing it in.
    in fact i was going to buy flopza 3 but arrogant greenwalt put me off his sales list.
    why cant devs let their games speak for themselvs?
    talk about your game, thats fine but when it gets to insulting other games your only doing that to cover up faults in your own.
    seriously, turn 10 have the proffesionalisum and maturity of a 6 year old.

  17. i dont see any 360 games comes close to quality as uncharted 2 im not being funny but all the rubbish with which console is the strongest well u have it right here PS3

  18. Uncharted 2 has the most incredible graphics of any third - person game. There isn't a single game on the 360 that can even come close. Gears Of War 2's graphics resemble those of a Game Boy Colour game and Halo 3: ODST? Well - take a look at the Metacritic review score to see for yourself - LOL!

  19. Having not played uncharted 2 I have no idea how good it is. From reviews it seems like it would be pretty good but it would get boring after the first couple of runs with lack of real online. Some games are not meant to be multiplayer i.e. Bioshock. How I do agree that mw2 will only be the best game this year. We aren't even talking about the other titles to come out in Novemember. Including but not limited to L4D2 Dragon age origins Assassins creed 2.

  20. at above
    Uncharted 2 has amazing online play including co-op and multi player. there is no lack of "real online" play

  21. Uncharted 2 can only been done on PS3 Fact.
    Xbots are not gamers if the bash the game with out even playing it.

  22. gears copied killswitch

  23. The troll is mad he doesnt have a PS3 LOL,mommy would not buy him one.

  24. Well done guys and gals over at Naughty Dog. You guys delivered one of my favorite games in the original Uncharted and the sequel looks to be that much better. All the best to a great company who keeps making GREAT games year in year out!


  26. at above i loled :)

  27. The game is outstanding, it grabs you by the balls and never lets go! Can't wait for whatever ND does next.
    And lol at all the trolling. If you think of yourself as a gamer you wouldn't side with one console and post like a 12yr old, unless people posting the troll comments are 12yrs old...

  28. I wish my ps3 hadn't broke,then I wouldve been playing this
    but I gotta wait now,because all I have is my 360 and wii,oh well,no 3rd person game may ever be better than uncharted 2

  29. Uncharted 2 is a great feat. A new 3rd person gaming generation has started with this game.
