Tuesday, November 24

Analyst: PS3 will dominate holiday season

"It only does everything" is Sony's new ad campaign theme that has captured the imagination of many, and now Cowen Group analyst Doug Creutz is predicting that this Christmas, PS3 also does sales. Big sales.

According to Creutz, the PS3's fortunes are turning around for the better. Siting a survey he conducted, 21 percent of respondents plan to purchase a PS3. Xbox 360 only managed 12 percent and the Nintendo Wii claimed 26 percent.

Creutz said although the Wii may be holding strong, it's still weak compared to last year when it was seemingly impossible to get one, since they were selling out like hot cakes. In his opinion, the Wii bubble is "deflating."

Get more over at Gama. It'll be interesting to see how this holiday season plays out.

Where are you placing your bets? PS3 or Xbox 360? I'll use my cash to buy games, you should do the same.

11/25/09 Ernice Gilbert


  1. I have an xbox. Better exclusives and cant wait for Mass Effect 2

  2. Yeah to the first guy/gal, shut up already. This is a PS3 thread, can't the grown men have a grown discussion without the little boys come rushing in?

    Stay out.

  3. what exclusives all 3 of them? The mass effect 2 thats on pc an coming to ps3 ?

  4. He just said that "irk" you guys, and it did. Just ignore people like him

  5. 360 has no games ;_;

  6. Well the Xbox360 was pretty strong and defeating the ps3 in the first years with the wii domination for who knows what reason (what kind of gamer wants to swing a stick on sport / fitness games exceptions for mario etc).
    But with the new ps3 slim and price cut as well as the strong consistent line-up its gonna come out on top this holiday season

  7. And what about the sales in UK? Surely you've read that prediction! BAWHAHAHAHAA!!!

  8. PS3 has no games ;_;

  9. Can't you guys just play games and not sales?

    Seriously, what's this argument about?

  10. I'll be one of the guys who'll be buying one for Christmas

  11. I chose to buy a PS3 over Xbox because of the PS3s exclusives, I bought an xbox later on... it currently resides in a friends house, I dont really care when I get it back.
    Seriously, the first games I played when I got my PS3 were Resistance, Heavenly Sword, R&C and Uncharted... after that there was really no way I could ever dout PS3, and every time a fanboy spouted "PS3 has no games" I just facepalmed.

  12. PS3 is a Better Console all the way because SIMPLY...IT DOES EVERTHING :)

  13. the news saying xbox360 outselling ps3 3 to 1 are completely untrue. if you check hmv, games and asda hardware chart track for september, and october, ps3 clealy outsell xbox360 . so called journalist should not rely on 1 online retailer who claim to have 9 millions uk customers ( not 9 millions uk gamers )

  14. LOL - who's the non - gamer who said the PS3 has no games? The PS3 has had more exclusive games in the last 2 months alone then the 360 has had during it's entire lifecycle! Which is why PS3 has outsold the 360 so easily over the last 2 months. The PS3 has an inevitable explosion in Japan to look forward to next month with Final Fantasy XIII, which will probably give it the edge in worldwide figures over the Christmas period.

    Although the Wii will likely beat both of them again.

  15. I think that PS3 will out sell the 360. You have a better game line up coming out for it, with more console exclusives, and unlimited accounts can be made for FREE, ( Good if you have a family of 5 )for example.

    The PS3 is only behind the 360's total console sales by 3 million now, so i think this time next year the PS3 will take the 2nd place pos-.

    The PS3 is a much better console to have for the money, due to the free Wi Fi built in / Bluetooth / Blu-Ray player / upto a 500GB HDD can be used / PSN games can be shared with up to 5 other PS3 consoles so that saves people money / The controllers are Bluetooth and don't cost money to use them ( unlike the 360's controllers ) / PSN gaming online is all free / The PS3 is region free, so it can play imported games. The list goes on and on.

    People will say about the 360 is better online, due to party chat, Cross game chat, and in some eyes that could be true, but the PS3 uses dedicated servers, which gives a better online gaming play than the 360's P2P system, and the PSN holds 33 million active accounts, where XBL only holds 20 million, now remember that XBL has now been running for 7 yrs, while the PSN has only been running for 3 yrs.

    I think PS3 will out sell the 360.
