Wednesday, October 6

Guerrilla Games: Not Many People Completed Killzone 2

Of the almost 3 million people who bought Killzone 2, how many would you’ve guessed completed the single player campaign? If you said half, you’re still wrong.

Apparently, like many other games, not many Killzone 2 owners saw the game to its completion.

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  1. Thanks a lot captain obvious.

  2. Brilliant.

    An article with no quotes or any figures and no attempt at any referencing. Go back to English class.

  3. I did it but after a lot of practice.
    Maybe Guerrilla Games should adjusted the difficulty a little.

  4. I know I didn't but that's cuz I decided to play it on Hard starting out, but that Radec boss fight at the end is crazy hard especially with my partner always getting killed. smh

  5. the most overated game

  6. i myself recently completed it 2010 regardless of me having the game 2009:/

  7. In other news:

    The creators of Viagra say that not every one will get a boner when they use it. How many people won't get a boner? If you think it's more than 50 million people, you're wrong. But, it's still quite a few.

  8. Of course, the game sucks ass.

  9. im a 360 gamer,got a ps3 to play a couple of games
    uncharted,lbp,heavenly sword and killzone 2
    completed it and it was hard as hell but one of the best games,beaten by uncharted 2 just,but killzone 2 was the 1st game where i was wow most of time.
    not got ps3 no more as i was skint and had to sell it,but killzone 2 is awesome,if someone says it sucks they a sad fanboy,

    im a gamer not a sad fanboy,not many gamers left in world

  10. I think people were used to other fps games and could not adjust to killzones smart AI. I finished it on hardest setting there is which is elite. I loved this game just wish it had story mode co-op

  11. finished it, enjoyed it, get over it.

  12. I beat it two days after buying it.

  13. yeah i for one didn't, i wanted to but i wasn't that interested in the story. I loved the multiplayer though, can't wait for KZ3

  14. HA! People that didnt finish KZ1 need some pratice on how to play a proper FPS, and I dont even like that genre! I've finished it on all difficulties. Sure, the normal campaign was challenging but it wasn't hard, playing it in THAT was tough, but completed it all the same. If you try and play it like Galo, Battlefield or MW, then yeah, your're gonna have a tough time on any difficulty. You just have to be clever, and play as if u were actually there! KZ kicks ASS....cant wait for KZ3!

  15. What a rubbish article, do you care to produce quotes or a source?

    Of the all the people in the world,how many people do you think who visit this shit site come back again, If you said 0.0.1%, you’re wrong. Its actually 0.0000000000

  16. the person who made the post @ 1:42 is a licks dicks...the story just wasn't interesting retard, it's a matter of preference, i stopped when i got to the moving train level. it wasn't exciting, that's why i moved to the multiplayer which was awesome

  17. i meant the person who made the post @ 1:42 licks dicks

  18. The game sucks for real not looking on xenical 120mg, orlistat xenical, orlistat 120mg, xenical generic the graphics and everything...anoying
