All days a beautiful. All are made by God. It might be raining in your neck of the woods, but that don't mean it's not a beautiful day; In fact while you grumble, some rejoice because of it.
You're wondering where I'm going with this right? Well sometimes things that are unpleasant happen to us, things that we don't know how to explain and we wonder why. The easiest route out is to complain right? Still it won't solve anything. But not today.
Today we're not going to talk about games, we do that everyday but rather we're going to pause and think. Have you ever wondered where you came from or who created you? If you haven't, it's a thought that should be at the forefront of your mind. Some may disagree but there is indeed a God, one who loves you more than you'll ever know and He's willing and able to see you through your problems.
So why don't you forget about games just for today, and go here to learn more. God bless you.
11.14.09 Ernice Gilbert
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