Slim sexy and not so costly is the best way to describe the PS3 these days. Just like a hot blonde in demand with every guy looking her way, Sony's flagship console is turning heads and flying off store shelves across continents with talks of a shortage hitting amidst the holiday rush. NPD numbers revealed that Xbox 360 sold more units that PS3 for the month of November, and now Journalists are running wild talking loosely saying 'PS3 has already lost its steam'. Well that's nonsense, there are a lot of reasons why the Xbox 360 outsold the PS3 last month, but PS3 loosing steam is definitely not one of them. In fact the tables might just turn come Christmas; and their are many reasons to believe it will happen. Let's take a look at the possibilities.
The Banned - Just before Modern Warfare 2 came out, Microsoft went on a banning campaign that left over a million players play-less. But not for too long. Imagine the game you've been waiting on all year was finally being released and suddenly, you console got banned. What would you do? If you had the cash, you'd go out and pick up another ASAP right? That's exactly what many modded 360 owners did after their console was locked out of XBL. Might not have been the biggest factor, and yet it might have, but there's no doubt that those sales led to Microsoft selling more than usual Xbox 360s.
Modern Warfare 2/Xbox 360 bundle -

This exclusive deal included a custom Modern Warfare Xbox 360, 250 HDD, and the game all for the reasonable price of $400. That's a great deal in my shop. It's no wonder that of the over six million copies of Modern Warfare 2 that were sold, over 4 million of them was on the Xbox 360. Now those are astounding numbers. Again, this may not be the leading factor, and yet it might be, but definitely a contributing aspect to the escalated Xbox 360 hardware sales numbers.
Walmart's pre-Black Friday Deal: $99 Xbox 360 Arcade -

This one is self-explanatory. If I'm getting a console for less than $100, then there's no way I'd pass it up. Obviously tens of thousands of consumers felt the same way. Undeniably a contributing factor to the great sales numbers that bossman Aaron Greenberg described as the best November in sales of Xbox 360 ever.
But here's the thing, all the aforementioned won't repeat themselves in December. Most people who wanted a Modern Warfare 2/Xbox 360 bundle most likely already picked it up. And folks who were banned are now enjoying their newly purchased "clean" system. The only aspect that might be repeated is the $99 deal that they ran successfully.

The PS3's price remained at $299, and everyone who purchased a PS3 was doing so for the first time. Not because their system was modded, they were all new customers. Now some might argue saying Sony also offered up great bundles, but so did Microsoft outside of the Modern Warfare 2 package. So that situation is leveled out. But Sony's console sold well because of high demand generated from an amazing add campaign and the fact that apart from being a great game console, it's also an amazing Blu-ray player.
This Christmas, the PS3 will do better than it's ever done in history. And when that happens, all the journalists who are busy singing sad songs, will once again have to go back to their studios and right happy ones. I'll stick with my script: If you think PS3 is loosing steam, wait until the Christmas rush. Oh, you might need a new HDMI cord to get the best quality from your setup, deals are here.
12/12/09 Ernice Gilbert
I've got to say men,you write good articles....
ReplyDeleteSome great points you made there, we'll just have to wait and see..
Pretty good article, I was getting sick of those stupid misinformed articles
ReplyDeleteWALLMART IS NOT INCLUDED IN THE NPD NUMBERS NOR IS AMAZON and because they are not included the ps3 might have actually sold more consoles than 360, u will never know.
ReplyDeleteTruth be told. I've never been a 360 fan but ignoring how the PS3 is going steady and only growing, the only reasons we get these massive differences is because of the radical changes in the 360 side of the market. Not only is it unstable but even if the ps3 stayed at the current rate it is at for the rest of the year people would still ague the PS3's decent in a biased. The PS3 is the boiling toad metafore. Only now have we noticed the PS3 is a serious contender. The temperature is rising and the 360 has peaked. We'll wake up one day only to noticed we live in a SONY world. They will get their way.
But Im worried about da DS, that's not gunna lose its hype anytime sooner.
Play games, not sales. Last time I heard, PS3 exclusives are still the benchmark games. The userbase will be around equal nowadays, with all those replacement 360's people have to buy now the warrantees are running out. A few hundred thousand banned here, a few million RRoD'd launchboxes there, the rest of the world...play games, not sales.
ReplyDeletethose npd numebrs were paid off, im 100 percent sure of it,
ReplyDeletethe 710,000 , and 819,000 for xbox must be the other way around
Why do people forget that Sony admitted to hardware shortages,which might have been the reason behind it falling over 100,000 units behind the 360.Anyways,the worldwide hardware numbers will show PS3 comfortably in the lead.And for some reason,I just cannot stand looking at Greenberg's face...
ReplyDeleteI far as I know the NPD numbers are U.S. sales numbers. Microsoft sold more in the U.s., but worldwide is a different story. As we speak North America(us and canada) are the only places left that the 360 has a bigger staff base or sales numbers.
ReplyDeleteDo you get more satisfaction playing games based on how many OTHER people bought the console you think is best?
ReplyDeleteOutside of Nintendo, Microsoft, and Sony, WHO GIVES A RATS ASS HOW MANY CONSOLES WERE SOLD???
My gaming experience doesn't change based on console sales numbers...
Xbox 360 outsold PS3 in November in the USA only. Worldwide figures for the month clearly show a strong PS3 lead.
ReplyDeleteAlso, just wait till Final Fantasy XIII launches in Japan in about a week. That'll shift a good couple hundred - thousand PS3's right there.
I love all ye fanboys i really do,If you really want an indicator that the shiny black machine is on the rise look at how big multiformat developers are making the ps3 versions noticeably better...ahem EA..... cough..... Dragon Age.Xbox is a great machine but DVD is now old news.
ReplyDeleteWho really cares? Both systems are great. Enough of this fanboy crap.
ReplyDeleteDavid McFail, stop posting and get a God damn life! I see you in various gaming sites and it's pitiful. We get the fact you get a hard on every time you rub against your PS3 but seriously, enough is enough. You're not going to win any Platinum Trophy for being the biggest Sony supporter.
ReplyDeletePS3 and Xbox360 fanboys "GET A LIFE". "COMPETITION IS GOOD" for the consumers. Both Sony and Microsoft would rob Gamers blind if only their console exsist.
ReplyDeleteYou folks should drill a hole in in your 360/PS3 and f*** your little warm boxes. You fanboys suck, your lame and tools to these companys!!!!! GET A LIFE!!!!!!
ReplyDeletedid ppl forget that NPD is only USA sales??? worldwide PS3 outsold 360 in November. how can PS3 be losing steam when it's outselling 360 WORLDWIDE, that's what counts
ReplyDeleteWorldwide hardware data for the period 01st Nov 2009 to 28th Nov 2009:
ReplyDeleteConsole PS3
Total 1,736,434
Worldwide hardware data for the period 01st Nov 2009 to 28th Nov 2009:
Console X360
Total 1,315,196
November Worldwide Sales = PS3 > X360
I like how the inbred retard replying to me hides behind an anonymous username like a typical hillbilly troll. His parents must have forced him to do things as a child......unspeakable things, which is why he's ashamed to show his real name or identity.
ReplyDeleteSome 360 fanboys just can't handle facts, or reading, as it turns out.
I also like how you tell me to get a life while YOU are the one making an ass out of yourself on the internet, you MUST be mentally handicapped.
Here all the Fangirls go again. Who cares, who sold more. All the systems are great,each has its ups and downs.But at the end we will see which one will be the best
ReplyDeleteHalf of you can't spell, I don't know why you bother posting. Most comments lead me to believe you are a bunch of in-bred idiots and you all know the reason why. Get off the internet and go play your games, this is pathetic.
ReplyDeletehuh how many times have i heared that?
ReplyDeleteevery year this year is the year of the ps3.
and how have those turned out?
yea, thought so.
Well considering the PS3 has had infinetly better exclusives than the 360 the past two years i'd say those "Years of the PS3" have gone quite well. Every year all i've heard is "Next year will be the year 360 exclusives finally shine.". How have those turned out? Yeah, thought so!
ReplyDeleteLove how excuses are made for why the PS3 was outsold by the 360 in the US. Oh, consoles were banned, oh $99 xbox, oh waaah.
ReplyDeleteThe PS3 had fucking EEEPPPIIIC Black Friday bundles, but you don't put that into consideration? Without those bundles I can guarnatee sales for the PS3 would have been at least 100-200k lower. Cherry Picking at its finest. :/
there not counting the ps3 bundles because they were not 99 bucks were they?
ReplyDeleteand some of them were bundles with TVs.
far from 99 bucks, otherwise id get one myself.
PS3 tops 2009 review rankings; Wii dead last
Year 2009:
ReplyDelete- PS3 had all the best games.
- Slim model release
- More hardware sold than Xbox 360:
Wordwide, period 04th Jan 2009 to 05th Dec 2009
Console PS3
Total 9,344,396
Console X360
Total 7,694,518
Year of the PlayStation 3