Monday, December 7

Keighley: VGA surprises will "blow people away"

Is it only hype, or will this year's VGAs "blow people away" according to Geoff Keighley? We already know that the award show will feature footage from big titles such as Halo Reach amongst others, but the way Keighley is carrying on can only be the result of two things, either this year's award show will be totally awesome, or it's just hot air hype to promote the event.

"We've announced a lot of them and I know people online are speculating about which games are coming from which publishers. We also have some monumental surprises inside of the show of things folks are not just going to be expecting," he said.

"And we're going to blow people away at the show with surprises we haven't announced. It's going to be a good year for games next year," Keighley concluded.

The man sounds extremely excited people, fingers are crossed.

12/07/09 Ernice Gilbert

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