Monday, October 26

Rumor Thirst: Netflix is heading to the PS3

One of Microsoft's selling points for the Xbox 360 has been to tout its streaming movie service offered by Netflix. The deal, an exclusive one between the software giant and the number streaming movie service provider is not one that'll last forever, according to Netflix CEO, and now it seems the exclusive tie was shorter than we thought.

The company's stock hit a new high Friday when word leaked a new deal that would bring a large wave of subscribers was in the works.

Shares of Netflix soared as high as $57.50 before falling back to $54.16 on Friday afternoon, trading higher by $4.53 or 9.1 percent.

The Xbox 360 has played a mammoth role in helping bolster Netflix userbase by adding 2.4 million new subscribers since September 2008, which was the biggest burst of growth in the company's history.

Now it's the PS3's turn it seems, and if true, it's another addition to the ever-growing PSN, making Sony's platform even more attractive.

Want more? Get the full vibe here then.

10/26/09 Ernice Gilbert

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